Message Templates
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Before you can set up whatsapp templates, you must connect your account to WhatsApp.
Message templates allow users to create pre-defined message formats for automated communications, leveraging the WhatsApp Business API.
This feature makes it easy to create, sync and delete templates to streamline messaging workflows and ensure compliance with WhatsApp messaging policies.
The template list will display all the message templates created in your WhatsApp Business account. The fields that appear in the list are:
Name: name of the template
Category: there are different message categories in WhatsApp, at the moment we only allow you to create message templates from the Marketing category
Status: status of the template in WhatsApp Business. WhatsApp must approve our templates before they can be sent to customers. Statuses can be: Pending, Approved or No approved
From here, we can:
Create message templates and integrate them with our WhatsApp Business account immediately
Synchronise templates with our WhatsApp Business account to keep their status up to date
In the template creation screen there are several sections:
Name: name of the template
Category: category of the template (at the moment we only support Marketing)
Language: language of the template
This is the header field of the message. It can be of four types:
Text: text field in which we can add a dynamic variable (client's name, client's surname, etc.). This dynamic variable will be configured when creating a campaign.
Image: image to be set up when creating a campaign
Video: video to be set up when creating a campaign
Document: document to be set up when creating a campaign
This field is the main text of the message. Here we can format the text (bold, italics, etc.) and add dynamic variables that will be configured in the campaign.
This field is the buttons or CTAs of the message. It is an optional field but highly recommended for conversion. There are four different types of buttons:
Phone: button to call a phone or mobile number
Website: external link button
Copy offer code: button to copy a discount code (to be configured in the campaign)
Custom button: button to send message. If the customer presses the button a text message with its value will be sent (set up in the campaign). This is very useful for autoresponders